Botox, Dermal Fillers Las Vegas

Botox® vs. Dermal Fillers: Which is Better for Wrinkles?

Are lines and wrinkles affecting your confidence? Injectable treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers can smooth away wrinkles, helping you look dramatically younger and more refreshed. These treatments are used for different types of wrinkles so that you may benefit from one or both. Dr. Stile and his team at Stile Aesthetics are proud to…

Gynecomastia Las Vegas & Spring Valley

What to Expect After Male Breast Reduction?

If your large male breasts embarrass you or affect your confidence, you might feel isolated or alone. However, gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts affects about 50% of all men during their lifetimes. Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, reduces excess breast volume and sculpts a flatter, more masculine chest.  What is Male Breast…

Rhinoplasty Las Vegas & Spring Valley

How Long is Recovery After a Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)?

If you are considering any surgical procedure, recovery time is an important question. If you think you might want rhinoplasty or a “nose job,” you should plan enough time to heal completely so you can enjoy your best results. While most people recover smoothly and without issues after this procedure, Dr. Stile and your team…