Tummy Tuck Las Vegas

Why Consider a Tummy Tuck?

Loose skin, stretch marks, and a doughy midsection cannot be improved by starvation diets or thousands of sit-ups. Diet and exercise also will not correct the vertical separation of abdominal muscles, which is known as diastasis, diastasis recti, and rectus diastasis, that occurs following pregnancy. 

In these cases, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedure is the ideal corrective surgery. This procedure will remove excess skin and fat in addition to tightening the abdominal wall to create a slimmer and more defined look. 

*Individual results may vary.

How is Tummy Tuck Performed?

Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon Dr. Frank L. Stile has performed over 3200 tummy tuck procedures over the last 19 years. (That’s more than any other solo practitioner in North America). His expertise and experience with this procedure allow him to create custom treatment plans that are safe, effective, and produce stunning results. 

Dr. Stile understands that sometimes diet and exercise are not enough to correct waistline issues, especially changes resulting from pregnancy or massive weight loss. In these cases, abdominoplasty can help the patient regain a body in which they feel confident.

Real Patients, Real Stories

Learn More About Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck patients have their procedure in our accredited outpatient surgical facility, Premium Surgical Services Center. This is an outpatient surgical procedure.  

Some tummy tucks are more extensive than others; for example, some individuals may be candidates for a mini tummy tuck, others may need a full standard tummy tuck, while others require an extended tummy tuck. The difference between these three procedures is how much skin needs to be excised. ALL tummy tucks will have muscle tightening or diastasis correction as part of the procedure. 

The procedure is performed with the patient under general anesthesia and can take anywhere between 2-3 hours, depending on whether liposuction and other contouring procedures are added to this surgery.

Tummy tuck surgery is life-changing for our patients who have had this procedure. The ideal candidates for this dramatic transformation are:

  • Women who have C-section scars and/or extra skin and fat deposits in the lower abdomen. 
  • Women who have separated abdominal muscles as a result of pregnancy contribute to a bulging abdomen. 
  • Men and women who have stretch marks and loose skin on their abdomen. 
  • Men and women who have had weight loss surgery and have maintained their goal weight for at least a year and desire removal of the excess skin and remaining fat.

The results following an abdominoplasty procedure are seen immediately. You will see a tighter, more toned abdominal appearance. Scarring is generally not significant with this procedure. Dr. Stile will skillfully create and close the incisions with care, placing them in inconspicuous areas so that undergarments and bathing suits can conceal them.  

Patients often feel that the skin removal and flat appearance of their stomach far outweigh any incision that remains after surgery. Many women have abdominoplasty as part of a mommy makeover for comprehensive results.

Tummy tuck surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, patients will be placed in a supportive garment. Patients recover and are sent home when stable. If you have a longer procedure time (over three hours), you will remain in our recovery unit for extended observation.  

Patients are up and around immediately and can do most light activities after seven days.  In most cases, patients resume work that doesn’t require lifting and their normal daily activities two weeks after surgery.  They can resume full exercise at four weeks and resume core exercises at six weeks.

Take the Next Step

Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 243-9555.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.

*Individual results may vary