Face & Neck Lift For Men Las Vegas

Why Consider a Facelift & Neck Lift for Men?

As men age, many of them develop loose skin and fat in the face and neck area. When this occurs, it can cause an aged appearance that takes away from their self-confidence and affects their quality of life. 

Dr. Stile of Stile Aesthetics can perform a male facelift and male neck lift to tighten the skin and rejuvenate the face, neck, and jawline while maintaining a masculine appearance.

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How is a Male Facelift Performed?

Facelift surgery involves lifting and tightening the facial tissues to correct sagging and restore youthful contours. The underlying fat and muscles are repositioned to, excess skin is removed if necessary, and the remaining skin is redraped smoother and tighter. Facelifts often include a neck lift to address sagging jowls and a “turkey neck” appearance. Men and women alike can benefit from facelift surgery to take years off their appearance and restore their confidence.

Learn More About Male Face & Neck Lift

Each patient has their own unique aesthetic goals, so Dr. Stile will assess them to design the ideal treatment plan. In most cases, patients require both a facelift and neck lift for the best results. However, there are rare instances where solely a neck lift alone can suffice. In other cases, a facelift may also be complemented by additional procedures, such as blepharoplasty or a brow lift.

The goal of both procedures is to resolve skin laxity while still preserving a masculine, natural appearance. A male face and neck lift typically takes between 4-5 hours to complete. 

Good candidates for male face and neck lifts are men who:

  • Have skin laxity on their face and neck.
  • Are concerned about sagging cheeks or a double chin.
  • Have jowls.
  • Worsening neck bands.
  • Desire greater definition in their jawline.
  • Would like to restore their youth.

Men who undergo facelift and neck lift procedures can expect a more youthful appearance in their face and neck. They’ll have an improved neck angle, no more neckbands, and tighter skin. Dr. Stile’s personalized approach will ensure they see natural-looking, masculine results, which typically last several years.

After a male facelift and neck lift, the patient will have swelling and bruising for about 2-3 weeks. They’ll be required to wear special dressings and may have a surgical drain that is removed a day after the procedure. 

About 7-10 days following surgery, Dr. Stile will remove their sutures. While patients can return to work within one to two weeks if they have a desk job, they’ll need to avoid heavy lifting and vigorous physical activity for four weeks. 

Take the Next Step

Please fill out the form on this page to request an in-person consultation and one of our knowledgeable medical staff members at Stile Aesthetics will reach out to you promptly. You can also call our office directly at (702) 243-9555.

Stile Aesthetics serves Las Vegas, NV & Surrounding Areas.

*Individual results may vary